All Steel versus Hybrid Frameworks

All Steel Framework

At right, four HUB types are shown. These connecting means are at the heart of the HabiTek System, and are patented. The HUBs are named as follows (clockwise from the front): POST-BASE, TERMINAL HUB, INTERMEDIATE HUB, and BASE HUB. Their locations within the framework is indicated in the framework rendering above: #1 Post Base HUB; #2 Terminal HUB; #3 Intermediate HUB; #4 Base HUB.

Hybrid Framework

Above, a hybrid framework of steel & dimensional lumber is shown. Common dimensional lumber integrates well with HabiTek’s steel members, as shown in the mock-up.

Commentary on the Framework

HabiTek’s modular CORE product is a resilient steel framework, with associated shear panels and fasteners, as shown in the renderings above, based on the Adapt-1 model. Both versions, the all steel frame and hybrid (steel frame + wood joists/rafters) versions above, assume eight shear panels, which could increase or decrease based on the level of shear resistance required. This, of course, is a function of the expected maximum wind velocity and seismic conditions at the location involved.

Because of the numerous variables involved, pricing for a core framework is done on a case-by-case basis. From our experience, it is safe to say that the steel components, including fasteners, required to complete a HabiTek framework is competitive with stick framing, and very likely less given the much shorter time involved in completing a resilient steel framework. Importantly, this assumes a stick framed building can achieve strength on par with HabiTek’s steel frame, which is highly doubtful.

The frameworks illustrated are elevated above the ground, which has significant cost implications – but well worth the added expense in locations prone to flooding. At present, before committing to future activity, and to achieve economy of scale in mass-production, we have set a minimum of ten units before commencing.

Using the basic Adapt-1 concept, illustrated above is an OHANA (small house in Hawaiian) version for Hawaii, a State where HabiTek has had considerable experience (see BETA PROJECTS). In recent years, Hawaii’s exposure to tropical storms, and even hurricanes, has increased. The post-and-pier resilient framework, integral to the HabiTek System, allows for elevated structures. This benefit is especially applicable to those portions of the islands susceptible to flooding, as occurred recently in Kauai, with devastating results.

Although especially suited for challenging locations, HabiTek’s prefabricated post-and-beam framework can be assembled almost anywhere, and with a variety of infill panel types. Shown above is a version employing milled logs for the exterior, on a core steel chassis nearly identical to that used for the Adapt-1.